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Was Lewis in part responsible for Murphy's death?
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Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:08 am Reply with quote

Did Lewis attend Murphy’s funeral? I think she did because she later told Murphy his family moved away. But that would be a difficult conversation to have if Mrs. Murphy asked what happened that day.

RB 1272

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Comment: I'm the guy in Old Archive.

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Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 2:09 am Reply with quote

RoboLewis :
Did Lewis attend Murphy’s funeral?

There's nothing definitively proving she did but I certainly expect so. She starts that statement with "well, after the funeral.."
I don't wanna pay that, PhotoBucket. Now maybe you haven't heard, but I'm the guy in old Archive. So hows about you just shit snow for a year and I'll figure out something else. Sayonara!

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Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 11:47 am Reply with quote

It's interesting because I think Verhoeven has said that she can't get to him as he's being shot (she's too late actually anyway) and there is fencing in the way. But what could she really have done against the gang? It's a perfect film but IF you were going to retell that scene and try and find a new angle, it would be interesting to remove that fence. Maybe even Lewis could see Murphy rather than the gang and he sees her... and she freezes in fear. You could then do some really interesting survivor guilt stuff with Lewis' character (which is hinted at already in the existing film). Because realistically even if she shot Emil at that point, Joe or Steve or Clarence would have killed her too.

Another thing they could play up if ever retold... As it stands, Lewis "calls" going into the hideout. But it does feel like a joint decision. Murphy has chance to say let's wait but he's says ok. If they ever retold it, you could a slightly younger more reckless Lewis, if she ran on ahead, Murphy would feel a sense of duty to run after her and back her up. Then she would be in a situation where she would feel guilty for what happened, which would heighten to the drama.

But I can never reiterate enough... the movie is perfect. Apart from the blackout after Murphy's death should be 30 secs and Jones' falling puppet.

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Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 11:56 am Reply with quote

Stan The Man :
RoboLewis :
Did Lewis attend Murphy’s funeral?

There's nothing definitively proving she did but I certainly expect so. She starts that statement with "well, after the funeral.."

I always feel like Reed wanted to break the news to Ellen, then Lewis insisted she did it herself. It would be a really interesting scene to see because I think Ellen would have lashed out and blamed Lewis. But we don't see it because the film frames it as this "lost paradise" where we don't see Murphy's home life just like Robo can only feel fragments. I think if they ever revisited it, these are the new scenes that could be explored and expanded upon, although you would lose that "lost paradise" approach.

I feel Ellen would allow Lewis to attend the funeral though and maybe that's where Ellen forgave her/realised that Murphy's death was really down to privatisation of the force and the lack of available back up. The fact that 33 police officers die shows that the powers that be don't care about them and see them as expendable.

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Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:08 pm Reply with quote

JimWantsAliens :
It would be a really interesting scene to see because I think Ellen would have lashed out and blamed Lewis.

I don't quite agree because I don't see what reason she would really have to blame Lewis. Yes, fans have been doing that since the movie came out. That's because we saw exactly what happened. I don't think Ellen would know all the details, though. Lewis probably didn't mention the fact that she was distracted by a huge whopping pecker (dude is named Joe Cox for a reason) and there is really no reason for Ellen to blame Lewis specifically. Maybe for not waiting for the backup, but they both made that call, and Ellen knew her husband was devoted cop who wouldn't make that choice unless he knew what was on the line.

And that's not even getting into the fact that OCP was behind all this. Since he was chosen for the RoboCop program, Ellen never got to see his body. She may have been able to get her hands on the police report, but who isn't to say it wasn't heavily redacted or edited by OCP first? As far as Ellen knew, Alex Murphy was a perfect cop who died honorably in the line of duty. That's the story OCP wants to sell, without any suggestion of foul play, and it's really not far from the truth. So with all that in mind, I don't see much reason for Ellen to lash out at Lewis, or a need for that kind of scene in a future RoboCop project. But at the same time, it is not out of reason and wouldn't complain about that kind of thing.

One last thing to note. While thinking about this post and writing my response, a lot of my image of Murhpy's wife is based on RoboCop: The Series. The show gives her a much larger presence, with some real insight into her life and personality. However, that character is Nancy Murphy, while you made it clear you were talking about Ellen Murphy. Technically her name was only changed because of the licensing issues with the Series, and her name was never spoken aloud in the movies, only mentioned in the end credits. So it doesn't make much of a difference, but a true RoboCop purist might disregard her characterization from the Series. For me the Series is really the best chance we got to explore Ellen Murphy as a character. Even if she is called Nancy.

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Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 3:30 pm Reply with quote

RoboLewis :
Did Lewis attend Murphy’s funeral?

Probably i would say. When officer Frederickson died Sgt Reed said that: "The funeral's tomorrow. The department requests all officers not on duty to attend."

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Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 9:42 am Reply with quote

Archive :
RoboLewis :
Did Lewis attend Murphy’s funeral?

Probably i would say. When officer Frederickson died Sgt Reed said that: "The funeral's tomorrow. The department requests all officers not on duty to attend."

Yes of course. Man, those cops spent most of their days off at funerals for their friends and colleaguea! I can't think if they say how long.since Clarence killed the first officer.

RB 2943

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Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2022 11:10 pm Reply with quote

I started to wonder if backup was unavailable, how long did it take for Lewis to get a help to airlift Murphy out of there?
Then I think about how if cops go through a traumatic incident then have to get counseling. I feel Lewis definitely had some after Murphy’s death. I like to think that when we see her again doing target practice, maybe she’s come back to work and trying to move forward. Next thing she sees a cyborg twirling his gun like her former partner Murphy. That look of disbelief because of what her partner had now become caused her to immediately get out of there. It was too much for Lewis!

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