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RoboCop: The Series on HD
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Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 10:55 am Reply with quote

So they say they got the source material for the BluRay from valut elements but then butcher those by cropping it? Why can't they leave the BluRays as 4:3 pillarboxed as well? If they are cropping the BluRay then I won't be buying it.

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Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 11:31 am Reply with quote

Rick :
Why can't they leave the BluRays as 4:3 pillarboxed as well?

I don´t really understand the reasoning behind it. To make it more cinematic? We´ll have to see how they handled this. The best scenario would be they had a widescreen version of the whole series made back then, but it looks unlikely. I´ve seen some screencaps from the Tubi streaming, which is also in 16:9, and little efford was made to make it work. They didn´t re-composite the shots, so at some points the widescreen edition chops chins on closeups or important information.

If I remember that well, the Tubi edition was done before this remaster was available to stream all over the world, so there´s hope they fixed some shots while adapting it to 16:9.

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Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 8:49 pm Reply with quote

Someone pointed out that the city in the background is not actually Detroit but something like Los Angeles? Not an expert on the matter but if true it's odd. Neutral

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Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 8:55 pm Reply with quote

Archive :
Someone pointed out that the city in the background is not actually Detroit but something like Los Angeles? Not an expert on the matter but if true it's odd. Neutral

I prefer to call the city in the background "Stock Image". Laughing

As an European doesn´t bother me. I´d prefer them to fix the back cover, as it make the whole packaging look like a bootleg. And The Series plot on it wasn´t too good either...

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Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 1:29 am Reply with quote

Artwork’s great, but this smacks of a cheap re-issue of the DVD set. The extras, unless they’ve really turned them into video segments (with cast & crew interviews), are probably just the same text ones as before (as Chanood has pointed out).

The “source material from original vault elements” line could mean the same broadcast masters being pulled from the library of whoever owns them now. It’s been done before...just sales talk. A little printed lie to push the same thing, without anyone suspecting different. Those people won’t have seen the poor trailer, so won’t know any better.

I don’t think any of the producers from the show have been involved in this. The gentleman who was featured in the early press release (with a poster for the new overseas TV airings) was an executive at Rigel. He’s trying to make a quick buck out of this and flog the old SD’s. He’d be able to do that if the show had begun filming in ‘95 for a premiere that year. Film stocks changed that summer before television dramas returning for shooting, lending them a much more clearer, vibrant look. You only have to watch clips from the 1st Season of “DUE SOUTH” (shot in Toronto at the same time as “Robo”), then watch a few from the 2nd and it’s like night-and-day.

Had Kevin Gillis, Brian Ross and Miles Dale been part of the project, they would’ve ensured this to be an actual HD restoration from the true 35mm negative film reels. Reconstructing each episode or at least a selection, which has been done before. Maybe have a VFX artist or two recreate the RoboVision shots at least or just leave them and all the other CG-heavy setups in SD. Eastwood Allen, the editor of “RoboDoc”, could’ve done the HUD’s. Wonder if they were approached to sell some of their footage to Liberation Hall.

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Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 7:54 am Reply with quote

I'm still concerned about the 16:9 ratio... It wasn't filmed for it - leave it alone... Unless they took the time to make the necessary corrections then I'm out. And the DVD won't be remastered versions from the masters? Damn it...

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Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 9:21 am Reply with quote

Spectrum Scarlet :
The extras, unless they’ve really turned them into video segments (with cast & crew interviews), are probably just the same text ones as before (as Chanood has pointed out).

They´re listed as "featurettes" so we should asume they´re video, right? Anyway, it seems nobody from the cast knew about this edition (Eden seemed surprised when it found that) so I doubt they came back to film some behind the scenes stuff. Plus, that´d cost money. I really want to know what we´ll get, if they had vintage behind the scenes stuff done back in the 90´s or if they put someone to read trivia over The Series footage.

I remember one of the behind the scenes videos the Archive owned and uploaded had the video split on different segments, and maybe a few of them were "The Suit" or "The Gun", but I remember these parts being way too short. It´d be weird to have listed a featurette about the RoboCop suit to have a clip of someone from the cast or crew talking for 15 or 30 seconds.

Spectrum Scarlet :
Had Kevin Gillis, Brian Ross and Miles Dale been part of the project, they would’ve ensured this to be an actual HD restoration from the true 35mm negative film reels. Reconstructing each episode or at least a selection, which has been done before. Maybe have a VFX artist or two recreate the RoboVision shots at least or just leave them and all the other CG-heavy setups in SD. Eastwood Allen, the editor of “RoboDoc”, could’ve done the HUD’s. Wonder if they were approached to sell some of their footage to Liberation Hall

We talked about that in the past, and I agree. A complete HD restoration could be made, since a big bunch of the FX were practical back then. Anyone with a crappy PC can recreate Robo´s POV on a decent level. I´ve been editing that PD "remix" with The Series stuff for years and I´m surprised there was little compositions here and there, like a few digital ricochets on Robo, but these could be recreated without a big deal. The biggest problem would be Diana and some of the cyberspace elements in some of the episodes (or these Flying publicty banners satellites around the OCP Tower). It could be done. But someone had to spend some bucks on it.

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Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 1:06 am Reply with quote

I'm a big fan of the FULL MOON line of movies. The Puppet Master, Trancers and Subspecies series are some of my favorites. I was recently listening to an interview with Subspecies director Ted Nicolaou talk about why we had only seen Suspecies 1-3 on Blu-Ray and why we hadn't seen a blu for Subspecies 4. He said they had shot and edited 1-3 on film. But with Subspecies 4, they shot it on film and then they did the editing on computer. So the master made back then was Standard Definition. Which was all they really needed for stuff like VHS, Laserdisc and TV. He said that to make a new HD master of Subspecies 4 would require going back to the original film and then finding the edit list and having to do an all-new edit. Interesting. I never realized how all that was done.

I think that's what is going to prevent SO much stuff from getting brand-new, TRUE HD transfers. Most likely, Robocop was edited on computer as well. Not to mention video titles and effects. Another TV show that comes to mind is the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. I remember seeing some behind-the-scenes stuff on how they made that show back then. They shot a ton of it using 16mm cameras as they were so light and portable. Good for all the exterior/location filming. Then they showed them transferring that straight to computer and adding special effects to it. Once again, seeing how it was a TV show, they only needed current TV picture standards back then. So there's another show probably in the same type of boat.

I know they spent a TON of time and money to make Star Trek The Next Generation blu-rays. Big pockets there. And in the end, I don't think even they were satisfied with the money made on those blu-ray seasons.

Just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents here.

If you want to listen to Ted's interview, he talks about that Subspecies issue at about 46:02

EP#97: Behold the Bloodstone - An Interview with Ted Nicolaou

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Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 12:43 am Reply with quote

Oh wow. I was not expecting this. ORIGINAL VAULT ELEMENTS. That trailer looks so crisp.

As for the cropping - it's frustrating but a lot of TV shows like The Wire have gone with this approach. I think even R1 and R3 are cropped in their widely seen 16:9 formats. (I'm sure R1 Criterion edition DVD has more in frame. When I bought the Widescreen VHS of RoboCop 3, I realised I could see more in the Fullscreen 4:3 release.)

I'd have preferred original aspect ratio but actually I'm stoked about the remaster, I'm more focussed on that. I might even pick up the DVD as well 4:3 even in SD, the rescan is going to be an upgrade on the existing DVD AND Blu-Ray sets (as the German BR I have is SD footage anyway).

Also in terms of box art, at least they actually used Series promo shots. I have the UK box and never got why there's an R2 photo on the cover.

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Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 10:14 am Reply with quote

JimWantsAliens :
I'd have preferred original aspect ratio but actually I'm stoked about the remaster, I'm more focussed on that. I might even pick up the DVD as well 4:3 even in SD, the rescan is going to be an upgrade on the existing DVD AND Blu-Ray sets (as the German BR I have is SD footage anyway).

The Opening they´re using to promote this edition looks way better than the previous release, and I assume it´s taken from the DVD edition. But I´m curious about the widescreen edition. I´m sure it could look more "modern", but I don´t know how they solved some framing problems.

If they´ll do anything different for the DVD edition (different box art, etc) I could consider buying both sets at some point. Well, if you can get these outside the US without paying twice their price due to shipping, customs and such.

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Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 2:05 pm Reply with quote

I couldn't see it on Amazon US yet. I wonder if other territories will get it this year. If a UK edition doesn't pop up by April, I will preorder US versions.

That's a good point I'm assuming the DVD will be from the new master, the press release sort of indicates it is and the Title Sequence (which is now on YouTube as well as Vimeo). But I notice with 4K & Blu-Ray sets they often include the old BR master. (Probably getting rid of a stockpile of old unsold discs rather than sending them to landfill.)

They often refer to these remastered 16:9 reframes as future proofing. I'd love it if the POVs were kept at 4:3 but I doubt it.

I notice on some YouTube music video remasters of 90s videos that people would make their 4:3 videos look 16:9 with black bars back in the day and some remasters keep that within a 4:3 frame so you end up with a border effectively. That seems an insane decision. I wish the pan-and-scanners would be more flexible with this. If I watch something in 16:9 and there's a jump to 4:3, it's never jarring. Wes Anderson films do it.

I'm looking forward to rewatching the series again actually. After Roddy Piper died, I revisited his ep and a few others but I haven't watched it through in years. I think a lot of that is due to how poor the quality started to look on bigger TVs. But I'm gonna revisit the whole series in HD on my new TV too.

I assume this was scanned in 4K at original resolution as is standard now so hopefully if it exists it may appear again on that format in the future on BR in 4:3. Blimey even R2&3 were only scanned in 2K for Shout Factory.

So The Series must have been shot on film. Anyone know if PD was shot on film? Not that I'm dying for that in better resolution.

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Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 6:17 pm Reply with quote

JimWantsAliens :
I'm looking forward to rewatching the series again actually.

I actually spend a bunch of time watching clips from The Series while working on these fan edits and such, but I´ll like to sit down and watch this new edition, since they bother to do something with it, instead of the other releases.

JimWantsAliens :
Anyone know if PD was shot on film? Not that I'm dying for that in better resolution.

I assume it was shot on film as well. Sadly, other people owns the rights, so I doubt we´ll end having a chance to get a higher resolution release of it soon (or ever). I wonder who´d own the cartoon rights at the moment...

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Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:16 pm Reply with quote

So, while scrolling the Instagram account, I came across an old post about the Series' Show Bible. It seems that some fans are clamoring for a full pdf file.

Gotta say, with this Review that's currently in the works, I'd like to have that .pdf.

Any ideas on where it is or if someone can scan them in? This would be an immensely useful tool to have for the review.

I've search the forum, and can't seem to find it, if it's here.


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Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 5:52 pm Reply with quote

Sean_001 :
So, while scrolling the Instagram account, I came across an old post about the Series' Show Bible. It seems that some fans are clamoring for a full pdf file.

Gotta say, with this Review that's currently in the works, I'd like to have that .pdf.

Any ideas on where it is or if someone can scan them in? This would be an immensely useful tool to have for the review.

I've search the forum, and can't seem to find it, if it's here.


It´d be great to take a look to it. Have you tried Brad (Terral)? I think I´ve seen some pages of that bible from him in the past, and he has a bunch of stuff from The Series, so he could help.

By the way, I already told you on Instagram, but good work recreating that stuff. Looks amazing to see these logos so crisp and new!

RB 14635

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