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Stan The Man Bah Concepts Division

Joined: 05 Jun 2003
Post Count: 7025
Comment: I'm the guy in Old Archive.
 Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 5:31 pm |
How can anyone demand to ask for a 'best' soundtrack from RoboCop? There's so many great good and great ones, especially in the case of R1 where all of it is marvelous, cut the crap.
That said, I will admit 'Showdown' and 'Home' have always been standouts, as well as 'Rock Shop'. I've also been a bit partial to 'Van Chase'. 'Betrayal' is great as well. Also..
Ah fuck it, I stand by my original statement - the whole thing for R1 is best.
As for R2 - Without saying 'best', I'll say I've always most liked 'Robo and Nuke' as well as 'Robo Memories', 'Robo Cruiser' is also quite good, for what it is.
R3 - Well, probably 'Main Title', though I've liked 'Death of Lewis', mainly because it's a nice medley of mostly R1 stuff.
Color me forgetful but I definitely recall posting in a topic like this before... must have been another one though. Bah. _________________ I don't wanna pay that, PhotoBucket. Now maybe you haven't heard, but I'm the guy in old Archive. So hows about you just shit snow for a year and I'll figure out something else. Sayonara!
Sean_001 Vault Dweller

Joined: 20 Mar 2003
Post Count: 2192
 Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 2:19 am |
I remember discussing this somewhere as well.
I'll still say that my favorite from the first soundtrack has to be Rock Shop.

Joined: 29 Dec 2008
Post Count: 2774
 Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:38 am |
Itīs really hard to choose between a track in the RoboCop score...
For the second score, I didnīt have a chance to listen to it in ages, so Iīd go with the main titles. The "CLANK CLANK" percusive sounds in that part are right, and the opening wasnīt too bad. But it gets too "theatrical" and "operatic" for my tastes, and even "too dark".
The third was nice. Donīt remember the tracks, but I remember that I liked tracks like "Death of Lewis" or "The Chase". Liked the oriental themes on the soundtrack as well.
Stan The Man Bah Concepts Division

Joined: 05 Jun 2003
Post Count: 7025
Comment: I'm the guy in Old Archive.
 Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:51 am |
ChAnOoD : | For the second score, I didnīt have a chance to listen to it in ages, so Iīd go with the main titles. The "CLANK CLANK" percusive sounds in that part are right, and the opening wasnīt too bad. But it gets too "theatrical" and "operatic" for my tastes, and even "too dark". |
I agree with you, hence why I choose 'Robo and Nuke' (The track that plays when he gets out of the car and then walks displaying his directives) over the 'Overture'/Main theme - for all intents and purposes it's pretty much the same thing except without all that overblown operatic 'Robo-COP!' shit. _________________ I don't wanna pay that, PhotoBucket. Now maybe you haven't heard, but I'm the guy in old Archive. So hows about you just shit snow for a year and I'll figure out something else. Sayonara!
Sean_001 Vault Dweller

Joined: 20 Mar 2003
Post Count: 2192
 Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:58 pm |
Exactly. That chorus chanting "RoboCop" is just cheesy. It's fucking clown-shoes.
Most of you know I enjoy a fair amount of cheese, but that's too sharp of cheddar for me.
The Robo-Cruiser score is probably my favorite.
Stan The Man Bah Concepts Division

Joined: 05 Jun 2003
Post Count: 7025
Comment: I'm the guy in Old Archive.
 Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:03 am |
^ As said, that's a big one for me as well. It's probably one of the best 'get there' type of tracks out there to me. Probably the best, really.
That said I find the more fluid, dramatic and melodic counterpart in R1 - Drive to Jones' Office - to be superior overall. Still Rosenman's score is quite good for what it is and quite good on its own accord. It's a fine score, despite being a good bit of a departure from Basil's music and not quite on the same plane. _________________ I don't wanna pay that, PhotoBucket. Now maybe you haven't heard, but I'm the guy in old Archive. So hows about you just shit snow for a year and I'll figure out something else. Sayonara!
Roboscare001 R-L1

Joined: 10 Nov 2013
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Comment: dead, then.
Johnny Utah R-L1

Joined: 04 Jan 2012
Post Count: 3
 Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 7:51 pm |
I'm very partial to Van Chase and Robo Drives To Jones, especially when the elevator doors open. Real full circle music, like Robo's benefactor Morton is dead and his creation is coming home to kick ass and take names.
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Sin_Valor No. 4 dumbass on the board

Joined: 17 Aug 2013
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Comment: Don't touch me man!
 Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:07 pm |
Rock Shop and Showdown, both had the same great theme, but Showdown went one step further and had a great build up and climax, it was even more awesome! _________________
JMRamos87 O-L1*

Joined: 10 Feb 2014
Post Count: 53
Comment: Dead or alive, you're coming with me!
 Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 2:44 pm |
Rock Shop from RoboCop 1 is the best track for me.
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AlexRobo O-L3

Joined: 30 Dec 2011
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Comment: "You gotta ask yourself one question, ED209, do you feel lucky?"
 Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 11:05 pm |
I agree. Drive To Jones' Office is another powerful number and I also love Van Chase as well as Murphy's Death which is also impactful.
I also like the tracks played when RoboCop has his "dream" and when he takes down Leon as well as Home.
JMRamos87 O-L1*

Joined: 10 Feb 2014
Post Count: 53
Comment: Dead or alive, you're coming with me!
 Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 3:45 pm |
AlexRobo : | I agree. Drive To Jones' Office is another powerful number and I also love Van Chase as well as Murphy's Death which is also impactful.
I also like the tracks played when RoboCop has his "dream" and when he takes down Leon as well as Home. |
Yeah. Best parts as well.
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EXbob R-L3

Joined: 16 Feb 2014
Post Count: 23
 Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 9:38 am |
The one that goes dun dun dun dun daa daa dun dun dun daa daa. That one. Seriously though the main theme for Robocop was one of the best I've ever heard, I was pretty disappointed by 2014's soundtrack, nothing stood out for me at all.
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RoboBabylonAD The Kid Goes Wild

Joined: 26 Apr 2007
Post Count: 326
Comment: Angry and Young...Under the Gun...
 Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 11:46 pm |
"RoboCop" (Basil Poledouris, 1987):
"Rock Shop" is definitely a fan favorite and it's tremendous in its build up to the "RoboCop" theme.
For me, my two personal favorites are "Betrayal" and "Showdown."
The bombastic version of Poledouris' theme in "Betrayal" is simultaneously heart pounding and heartbreaking...the former when it's used in the scene where Murphy's dream snaps him out of his complacency and he departs from Metro West in triumph.
"What the hell's going on?"
"I don't know, he just left."
"...'just left'?"
And heartbreaking when it kicks in on that powerfully compelling shot when Murphy falls to his knees as he's shot and attacked by Lt. Hedgecock and the police...the very men and women he would count himself as a part of.
That, to me, is one of the founding reasons why "RoboCop" is not only a great film but a triumphant one. It's not enough that Murphy is slaughtered and condemned by the villains in the film, but the fact that he gets beaten down and oppressed by the police force that he should consider his allies. He gets beaten down and decimated on all sides in the film and yet he still...STILL...has the strength of character and morality to rise above ALL of it and succeed.
That, for me, is why you don't just come away from the movie appreciating or loving Murphy. No. You come away from the movie CHEERING for him. So great.
"Showdown" is another wonderful track and I think it's because when you listen to it and really think about what Basil put into it, it's pretty much a wonderful combination of all the themes and beats and emotional/pulse pounding cues from the rest of the score rolled into one.
You've got a return of a lot of the motifs and busy action elements from "Van Chase," you have moments of the RoboCop theme and "Rock Shop" laced throughout and it all builds to that climax where he finally kills Clarence and it crescendos to a reprise of the score's opening cue from the "Main Title" before decelerating into a finishing motif from "Home" when he assures Lewis "They'll fix you. They fix everything."
My single favorite moment from the entire score is also in that track and it's the moment Murphy approaches Clarence as he walks on water.
That portion of music from when Murphy yells "Clarence!" to when Leon is in the control booth for the crane...played out as Murphy approaches Clarence and all their close-ups and Clarence gives himself up, to which Murphy assures "I'm not arresting you anymore."
That piece of the score is FANTASTIC.
"RoboCop 2" (Leonard Rosenman, 1990):
I, for one, absolutely love Rosenman's overture theme for "RoboCop 2," including the "Ro-Bo-Cop" chanting chorus.
Much like the difference between Danny Elfman's and Elliot Goldenthal's respective themes for "Batman," I'll admit that Rosenman's "RoboCop" theme doesn't top the Poledouris theme...but having said that, I can appreciate it for what it is, as a more comic book-y, super hero type theme.
In that score, I'm also a huge fan of "Robo Cruiser" because as much as I appreciate characters like Lewis and Sgt. Reed and so on, one of my favorite elements from all three "RoboCop" films is when they each get Murphy to a point where he decides to go off as the lone gunslinger and take care of business.
"RoboCop" does it when his dream snaps him out of it and he leaves the station, eventually finding Emil at the Gas Station.
"RoboCop 2" does it when he interrogates Duffy and decides to go to River Rouge on his own...and where "Robo Cruiser" factors in.
"RoboCop 3" does it when Lazarus triggers the promise Murphy made to Lewis and he leaves to take care of "unfinished business."
RoboCop, again, is a lot like Batman in that regard. Give him help and sidekicks and that's okay...but when Robo decides to take matters into his own hands, it represents how bad ass and confident he is and I love relating to that.
So back to the point, "Robo Cruiser" is a great musical representation of that idea...of Robo as a lone wolf, strong and capable and fully confident, at least at the time, that he can apprehend Cain all on his own.
"RoboCop 3" (Basil Poledouris, 1993):
I love the energy of the score's opening and the variation on the original "RoboCop" main title cue when it reappears in an amped form over the "RoboCop 3" title animation during that tracking shot of the Rehab's ground forces making their way into Cadillac Heights.
I also love "Robo Saves Lewis" and, honestly, I think that track is to "RoboCop 3" as "Rock Shop" is to "RoboCop" in so much as it's clearly the standout and they're both kindred spirits right down to the fact that both tracks build up to a full rendition of Basil's RoboCop theme.
There's a lot that can be said in favor of damning and condemning "RoboCop 3," but Basil coming back to do the score is certainly one of the few bright spots about the film that I think everybody can wholeheartedly agree on.