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Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:42 pm Reply with quote

The latest spiderman4 news depress me. A lot.

Despite the third movie being less than perfect a complete reboot with s new director and actors is foolish.


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Stan The Man
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Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:52 pm Reply with quote

...A reboot Spiderman? Bah. Is there anything that HASN'T been re-booted, re-made, re-done, re-invented, re-gurgitated? :roll:
I don't wanna pay that, PhotoBucket. Now maybe you haven't heard, but I'm the guy in old Archive. So hows about you just shit snow for a year and I'll figure out something else. Sayonara!


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Comment: Formerly Draliseth

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 4:49 am Reply with quote

Archive :
The latest spiderman4 news depress me. A lot.

Despite the third movie being less than perfect a complete reboot with s new director and actors is foolish.

Did you like the new Incredible Hulk more than the first? If so.. well, I think this is better news than Maguire giving us another lackluster Spidey. Peter? Great? Spidey.. not even.




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Comment: Former Co-Admin and all around asshole.

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 6:00 am Reply with quote

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The latest spiderman4 news depress me. A lot.

Despite the third movie being less than perfect a complete reboot with s new director and actors is foolish.

I agree. Franchise is no where old enough to reboot. Nor was it a dead franchise. Is this gonna be the new trend for Hollywood? Make a less-than stellar sequel, and fucken cop out and start over instead of just improving and fixing the flaw?

Draliseth :
Did you like the new Incredible Hulk more than the first? If so.. well, I think this is better news than Maguire giving us another lackluster Spidey. Peter? Great? Spidey.. not even.

Incredible Hulk isn't a good comparison as it was just followed a single film, that was no blockbuster, and was barely remembered. By the way, Incredible Hulk was pretty forgetable as well. Comparing The Hulk and Incredible Hulk is like comparing shit and vomit. They both fucken stink.

The Raimi Spider-Man series, though somewhat lackluster in some fans eyes, were still major blockbusters and very well known and very successful.

Sony shit the bed with this decision. It will come back to bite them in the ass.

Raimi Spider-Man had a very established 3 film universe, and fan-base. Nothing was wrong with it, that couldn't be fixed.

Should have been a 4th film with existing cast with finally the Lizard that's been teased for 3 films, and maybe an intro of Kraven.

Sony can kiss my ass. Then they can reboot and do it again.



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Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 2:48 pm Reply with quote

Hulk doesn't interest me really. It's a couple of strange movies where the main actor disappear now and then and is replaced by a gello CGI creature. It's hard to get attached or hooked on that premise. At least for me.

I just have a feeling that Spiderman4 it will turn into the whole Batman/Tim Burton/Joel Schumacher deal where they just change the whole feeling and approach of the movies and just fuck it all up. Hell the synopsis they put up is that they focus on Peter Parker in school which is basically aiming at Twilight fans or something.

It's messed up and I'm not happy.

Mephisto :
Sony can kiss my ass. Then they can reboot and do it again.
That is golden! Laughing


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Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:00 pm Reply with quote

Wierdly enough I read on I think it was about an on going fued with Raimi and Sony regarding the Villan for Spidey 4,As I guess it was Sony that pushed for Venom in 3 and it was obviously a rushed production,Plus to be honest I did'nt see Raimi coming back for a fourth anyways,Hollywood man what can else can be said,That and sony has'nt treated a single franchise they own correctly,I.E. Starship Troopers.


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Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:02 pm Reply with quote

Forgot that Sony owned this - Well, since Sony is Grand Central Station for the the vast subway that is utterly dumb-ass decisions, there's really nothing new there. :roll:
I don't wanna pay that, PhotoBucket. Now maybe you haven't heard, but I'm the guy in old Archive. So hows about you just shit snow for a year and I'll figure out something else. Sayonara!


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Comment: Formerly Draliseth

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:33 am Reply with quote

So Hulk was a bad example. Let's look at another set of blockbusters. Batman.
Here's two points:

They relaunched Batman. And it was a success. But it was a success for the most part to begin with. Christopher Nolan had a vision nobody had brought to the screen with Batman. But would I want Christopher Nolan to direct every Batman movie hereafter? I want him to finish his trilogy and hand the reins over.

I think of a comic book movie as.. well, a comic book! There may be one ARTIST I love. Let's use Jim Lee, for instance. He does incredible detail work and strong lines. Everything is solid. Pick up a comic from say the 70's though and you won't find that.. BUT.. sometimes you're in for a surprise.

I picked up Swamp Thing: Dark Genesis a while back when I was a phone jockey at Discover. It blew my mind. The quality of the art and writing really just blew me away. But then you get into the Swamp Thing of the Alan Moore age. Two big changes: Alan Moore and Steve Bissette. Alan Moore wasn't well known for much except for the issue here and there and Watchmen was a good 4-5 years off.

But I had my mind blown again. If Batman and Robin never was made, Batman would still suck. Now, the bar has been set. All we need is an Alan Moore (so to speak) to takeover and give us more of what we want in a different style.

My second point is.. Sam Raimi wasn't going anywhere with Spider-Man in an hurry. Did Spider-Man 3 have it's good points? Yes. Many. Did it drag like a chain smoker having his morning camel? It did that too. And to be frank, while Spidey was good, there's about a dozen other directors that could have made a flagship character the success it was (Nolan did that with Batman, Ledger did it with Joker despite the naysayers). Really, you just have to trust them. I want a bit more of a flashy Spider-Man. Raimi kept the source material close but oddly somehow always kept the title character muted. The action scene with Harry chasing Pete in the third movie? That's the kinda shit you should be USED to seeing in Spider-Man.

In short, I want a new artist and writer (director) for my Spidey comic (movie).

Think of it as a company. Stan Winston Studio's, obviously, is lacking the man behind the namesake now. Does that mean they're going down the shitter? Not quite. This is Sony and Raimi is Winston himself. Sony is the studio (literally). If you watch behind the scenes stuff on Iron Man, I believe Stan jokingly states how little he has to do with the actual production of materials that come out. Basically he shows up, says how fucking cool it is, and walks away.

So Iron Man rocked. I think because they had a company like Stan Winston Studio's. They always have been a practical special effects company. They were TRUSTED. You just have to find somebody to trust. Don't let McG touch it. I wouldn't trust him to do my shopping. But until they announce someone I don't trust.. I have high hopes for a new Spidey.

Unfortunately I trust Sony about as much as I do Ted Bundy.



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Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:11 pm Reply with quote

So i had the misfortune of watching Beverly Hills Cop 3 yesterday and it made me realize that it appears almost impossible to make a good third movie.

Our own Robo3 is close at hand but also look at Terminator3, spiderman3, Addams family 3, X-men3, Superman3 and so on and so on.


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Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:46 pm Reply with quote

I'm all for a re-boot of Spiderman after the last dismal instalment! Man that film was terrible!

Make it darker!!! Get a better actor for Spiderman!!

The casting was dreadful for all three movies!!

JOY! Laughing

Bri nothanks


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Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 10:57 pm Reply with quote

Archive :
So i had the misfortune of watching Beverly Hills Cop 3 yesterday and it made me realize that it appears almost impossible to make a good third movie.

Our own Robo3 is close at hand but also look at Terminator3, spiderman3, Addams family 3, X-men3, Superman3 and so on and so on.

I agree with ya there for the most part, J-man. There are just some sequels (Or in this case, threequels) that make you wonder why the hell are they there?

Especially third films. It's not just the bad ones, there are also third films that aren't completely horrible, but still might not be generally considered all that good (Alien3, Batman Forever, etc), I've noticed the threequels that may be bad but may not be complete and utter dogshit usually have additional sequels - the really suck-ass ones tend to stop at three, just like RoboCop. Just an observation, doesn't change the point that most all three-quels sucks ass, though.

Simply put, there are indeed very few third sequels that most people would say are straight-up 'good' - Star Wars ROTJ and Indiana Jones/Last Crusade (I personally thought it was good, anyway) would be the only two examples out of that small list that I can think of right now.

Re-bootin' the whole deal because of bad third film I think would be going a bit far, but that's just me. tongue Seems to be standard fare by now, after all, RoboCop's getting re-done, there's the new 'future' Terminator films, etc. Even in the case of Alien and Batman, who both got fourth films (Both of which were no better than the third), they both got 're-booted' with AVP and the Nolan Batman films.

Like I said before, there's just times where you don't need sequels. Bah.
I don't wanna pay that, PhotoBucket. Now maybe you haven't heard, but I'm the guy in old Archive. So hows about you just shit snow for a year and I'll figure out something else. Sayonara!


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Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 8:54 pm Reply with quote

I've learnt to like Alien3 but it's still considered a weak movie to most. It's still not the Alien movie I'd choose to watch a lazy sunday, but i've learnt to like it especially after the extended cut.

Batman forever is ok, and i know a lot of people like it. To me it's cheezy and hard to watch (all the neon and Robin totally blows. ) Compared to Burtons two films it sticks out as pretty lame.

The indy and back to the future movies are definitely exceptions of trilogys that work.


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Comment: Formerly Draliseth

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 5:13 am Reply with quote

The real reason the second sequel to any movie sucks is not the fault of the director. I find it to be either producers or writers. Producers think they know how to direct and interfere with creative vision or some hackneyed script comes along and the crew is forced to keep the franchise breathing, no matter how faint it's heartbeat may be.

Alien 3. It blew. Why? The fucking story just.. isn't worth being made into a movie. Is it a bad story necessarily? Not quite. Did "Bishop" at the end make it lame as hell? Yes. But the elements of the story such as not being able to properly defend themselves and improvise against this almost viral threat are sound ideas. They inspire ingenuity, cleverness, wit, etc. Unfortunately people seem to expect the audience to do the work for them because usually over-ambitious plot points like this flop on it's belly, call it a dance, and expect you to like it.

Spider-Man 3 seemed like it was just made so people could have another movie, have one with Venom, and fulfill the obligation to have Gwen Stacy show up (you know, because she SHOULD have been in the first movie regardless of the casual fans familiarity with Mary Jane). They played to the lowest common denominator. They play it down for the ignorant. They think "Spidey! Mary Jane! Villian stories that aren't true to a source material I never cared about but now this movie is my battleground to wage war on and judge with my dying breath! This is AWESOME!"

That's why people didn't like it. I did, to an extent. But I'm also the sort of person who found the third X-Men the best of the series (no more pretentious dialogue, Beast, the painfully over-mentioned war).

Back to the Future III? When I was a kid, my bias for future-y stuff made it hard to enjoy, but it's no worse than any of the others. The reason why is that the writers, director, and production company knew better than to give you a big mac when you ordered the gourmet bourbon buffalo burger with bacon, lettuce, and tomato. They gave you the meat!

Anyway.. so news of the new director has me psyched. 500 Days of Summer was probably the best film I saw all last year. Seriously. It's the only relationship movie that I've seen that made me feel my time wasn't wasted. People are all bein' tards talking about how the new Spider-Man will now apparently be a rom-com because of Marc Webb but that shit's just what it is.. shit. But even James Franco is behind the direction they're going, and if you don't like him, you're a dick.

Yes, that even means you, Meph.



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Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:26 am Reply with quote

Always found it strange how they messed up the whole gwen/mary-jane story and then introduced gwen later anyway.

For Spiderman 4 they are apparently basing the story more on 'Ultimate Spider-Man' than anything else. Meaning "where the villain-fighting took a back seat to the high school angst."

high school angst...


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