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Comment: Scumbags see the judge on Monday morning

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Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 8:56 pm Reply with quote

Injustice for all?

"Justice League" is watchable, but nothing beyond that. It's probably the best film in the DC Movieverse (yes, "Wonder Woman" is terribly overrated), but that's not saying much. It's got a couple of neat shots and a whole lot of unbelievably bad CG. The 2-hour running time helps. It's on par with "The Avengers", but far, faaaaaaaaaaaaar from being a good movie or a genuinely enjoyable experience.
But when a Batman fanboy tells you to go see "Spider-Man: Homecoming" instead, you know something's wrong.

P.S. "Spider-Man Homecoming" was really neat!
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Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 10:34 pm Reply with quote

RoboFan_93 :
Injustice for all?

"Justice League" is watchable, but nothing beyond that. It's probably the best film in the DC Movieverse (yes, "Wonder Woman" is terribly overrated), but that's not saying much. It's got a couple of neat shots and a whole lot of unbelievably bad CG. The 2-hour running time helps. It's on par with "The Avengers", but far, faaaaaaaaaaaaar from being a good movie or a genuinely enjoyable experience.
But when a Batman fanboy tells you to go see "Spider-Man: Homecoming" instead, you know something's wrong.

P.S. "Spider-Man Homecoming" was really neat!

Have not seen yet Justice League, but surprisingly i agreed on everything else. Wonder woman overrated, Avengers not great either, but I mostly appreciated Homecoming!

I can see why Marvel is doing better, but I doubt Justice League will be far behind Avengers films, both the first one and Age of Ultron are quite mediocre on my book. Despite the big plot flaws, I kind of appreciate Man of Steel and Batman V Superman. Suicide Squad though is terrible, and Wonder Woman got the praise because of female empowerment good timing, but had a very poor screenplay.


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OCP1 - L1

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Comment: Scumbags see the judge on Monday morning

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Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 2:33 pm Reply with quote

JL is not horrible. It's just utterly bland and forgettable. The Leaguers themselves are fine, they have good interaction and look great on screen.
Some stuff felt really unnecessary and pretty much all of the battles were a CG mess.
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Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 4:03 am Reply with quote

Finally broke down and watched Game of Thrones with my old man. He's most of the reason I tried it.. He enjoys it quite a bit and his recommendations have never sucked.

Aside from here and there instances of the overly gratuitous sex shit (which I'm not one of these bitching moral prudes - For me I just find 'em annoying in a time I could watch real porn on a phone waiting for those scenes to be done with tongue) and the fact what it built up so well to still ultimately turn into a mostly canned-as-fuck big ultimate zombie fight - Zombies being a trope I got tired of back in about 2014 - It is a well done and quite solid show. Some cool characters all well-to-exceptionally well acted, great production value and some plain wonderful music work. Starts a bit slow and takes a bit to really grind into gear but nonetheless I have to say it was a engaging and fairly interesting series.

Now to finish Stranger Things 2 and start-finish Punisher..
I don't wanna pay that, PhotoBucket. Now maybe you haven't heard, but I'm the guy in old Archive. So hows about you just shit snow for a year and I'll figure out something else. Sayonara!


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OCP1 - L1

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Comment: Scumbags see the judge on Monday morning

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Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 10:45 pm Reply with quote

Stranger Things 2 was pretty good, about on-par with Season 1. Has some great stuff in it, but also a few hick-ups along the way. Had a day off work a couple of weeks ago so I grabbed a pizza and a 6-pack of soda and binged it. Good times.

Anyway, saw "Birth of the Dragon" today. The film seems to get a whole lot of bad reviews online and all of them focus on the depiction of Bruce Lee and the fact that he's not even the main character. Now, the film clearly states that it's "inspired" by real events, not that it tells them the way they were. My suggestion - just ignore the historical accuracy and give it a watch because it's an above average martial-arts flick that's nicely shot and edited and has great choreography. It even turns into a sort of "buddy flick" at the end. The acting is pretty good too, the guy who plays Bruce Lee does a really good job mimicking those little touches. Definitely recommended! It's a rare treat in today's action movie scene.
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Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 7:07 am Reply with quote

I started watching Punisher. At the start of episode 3 I went back to an endless loop of Star Trek. I am not opposed to finishing it, but god was it boring.


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Comment: Scumbags see the judge on Monday morning

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Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 10:52 pm Reply with quote

Just coming back from "The Last Jedi". You know how I didn't like "The Force Awakens"? This one is even worse...

God bless Dave Filoni's work on "Rebels" and "Rogue One" for trying to pull the Star Wars name out of the mud.
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Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 10:33 am Reply with quote

I saw Ash VS Evil Dead on Netflix and finished the first season. I had the chance to watch the first episode in the past, and I liked it, so now that I got it there I had to take a look. Funny and gory; watched it in two nights. And it seems some writer is a fan of Murphy, as in episode 6 Ash calls "RoboCop" to the black cop following him, to later use his new hand and his technospike (a screwdriver in this case) in a similar fashion (just as Murphy would use it in other drafts of the script, from the chin).


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OCP1 - L1

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Comment: Scumbags see the judge on Monday morning

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Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 6:44 pm Reply with quote

Been playing catch-up on a lot of horror flicks lately. Last things I saw were "Scream" 1 and 2, which, surprisingly, I have no memory of seeing before. Maybe just the first one about 15 years ago, but that's it...

Anyway, both hold up pretty well and were quite enjoyable overall. Looking forward to checking out 3 and 4, and possibly the series.

Also saw "The Gate" I and II and I loved both of them. Now, the writing isn't especially good, but both flicks are absolutely worth it for the effects alone.

Also rewatched "Re-Animator" and "Bride of Re-Animator" (yet to find the time for the third one). Much as I like Jeffrey Combs' Herbert West, once the flicks turn into gore fests they lose their appeal, really. I don't mind gore, but in this case, I liked both films better during their first halves.

And finally, just today I binged Season 2 of "Castlevania" (season 1 review is in a post on the previous page). As a hardcore Castlevania fan and someone who hated the first season, I'm happy to say that Season 2 is a GREAT improvement over the first one.

The mindless, tasteless gore, while still present, is toned down and so are a lot of the rather poor attempts at humour (no mentioning of screwing goats, thank God!). The F-Bombs are still terribly out of place, but did get a chuckle from me once or twice.
The character writing is greatly improved, the filler stuff was less and they clearly showed greater understanding for what CV is supposed to be. Heck, they even had music from the games (albeit just for one scene, but man, was it good!). It still has problems and isn't as good as most people make it out to be online, but it's on the right track and like I said, improves greatly on the first four episodes. After this, I might actually be looking forward to a third season.
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Comment: Scumbags see the judge on Monday morning

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Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 4:32 pm Reply with quote

So...just coming back from "Toy Story 4". I wasn't hyped about it, hadn't seen any of the trailers and in general thought that they should've left things at 3, because, let's face it, that ending was perfect.

But hey, Woody and the gang are quite special to me, so when the time came I knew I had to go see it.

And during the whole thing I kept thinking "It's not bad. In fact, it's good. But it's unnecessary. It doesn't have the heart and emotion of the first three."...and then the ending REALLY got to me. I cried. Not as much as I did when I saw "Toy Story 3", but it really got to me... I still say the third one is better and would've capped off the series in a nicer way, but I'm still happy with it overall.
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Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 5:06 pm Reply with quote

RoboFan_93 :
So...just coming back from "Toy Story 4". I wasn't hyped about it, hadn't seen any of the trailers and in general thought that they should've left things at 3, because, let's face it, that ending was perfect.

I´m interested on what they did with this, but not that much to watch it on the big screen. I felt like, after "Wall·E" and "UP!" Pixar became a little bit predecible: they decided to milk their properties instead of making some masterpieces like these two films.

I finished the second season of "Happy!" a few days ago. Sad to know it´s cancelled; it was a crazy and fun show.


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Comment: Scumbags see the judge on Monday morning

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Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 4:21 am Reply with quote

ChAnOoD :

I´m interested on what they did with this, but not that much to watch it on the big screen. I felt like, after "Wall·E" and "UP!" Pixar became a little bit predecible: they decided to milk their properties instead of making some masterpieces like these two films.

I agree completely. A lot of their recent stuff was missing that Pixar touch. And frankly, this one, for the most part, kind of feels the same way - a lot of ground that's already been covered by the previous three and attempts to pull your heart strings with old tropes. But I wouldn't call it horrible by any means and like I said, the ending did get to me.
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Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 9:44 pm Reply with quote

Batman: Hush
Was kinda OK, but was disappointed with the ending!

Alita Battle Angel
Awesome, awesome, awesome..... what more can I say? It had heart, great effects, a good message to tell and a tragic love story angle too! Very diverse movie, without being nothing more than mere tokenism, like Craptain Marvelees, which was boring and sexist as fuck!


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OCP1 - L1

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Comment: Scumbags see the judge on Monday morning

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Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 8:38 pm Reply with quote

So just saw the live-action (if you could call it that), "Lion King"...and honestly, I didn't mind it. The CGI is darn good for the most part, there's no denying it...but I'm not sure if it needed to be almost a shot-for-shot remake.

And holy crap, did they drop the ball on the songs...they were all butchered so damn bad when it comes to vocals. "Be Prepared" especially...
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