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Jerry Bookem


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Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:41 pm Reply with quote

Hi all, new to the board but longtime reader. I really enjoy the discussion here and look forward to contributing.

My question is, was Alex Murphy being turned into Robocop purely an issue of timing?

Consider the timeline of events as follows:

1 - Officer Frank Frederickson is killed in more or the less the same way as Murphy will be killed ("Good luck, Frank!")
2 - Frederickson's funeral takes place ("Funeral's tomorrow!")
3 - The disastrous unveiling of ED209 takes place, which in turn leads to the approval of the Robocop program by The Old Man ("I'll expect a full presentation in twenty minutes")
4 - Robocop program is approved, now they need to wait for the next available dead cop ("Soon as some poor schmuck volunteers")
5 - Alex Murphy is gunned down and his corpse is seized by OCP ("He signed the release papers when he joined the force, he's legally dead, we can pretty much do whatever we want to him.")
6 - Robocop is unveiled.

My question is, had the ED209 unveiling happened closer to the time of the Frederick shooting, making Frederickson "the poor schmuck" in question, and assuming all the same events followed on, would it have been Frederickson going into the Robocop program, and Alex Murphy going into the ground as just another dead cop?

It's interesting to hypothesise how that would have worked. We learned in Robocop 2 that the primary reason that Robocop worked so well was because of Murphy himself - his code, his sense of duty, etc. How well would RoboFrank have succeeded?

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Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 2:57 am Reply with quote

Welcome to the Forum!
Great question! You definitely know your Robo-facts. This brings up some questions that are related to another question that is on the forum somewhere regarding the timeline of the first movie. Up to the point of Robocop's unveiling, we can assume that a short amount of time has passed, but that too is debateable. If it was a short time after Murphy's joining Metro West that the Robocop Project was started and then a few months later, completed, it would lead us to believe that Frederickson had just as much a chance of becoming Robocop as Murphy did since their deaths seemed to have taken place around the same time. However, if there was an undisclosed amount of time between the beginning of the film, Murphy joining Metro West, being killed and later transformed into Robocop, then its likely that Frederickson would have died too early to be Robocop-ready.
I am inclined to think the latter is true. I think that the intro scenes of the movie take place over an elapsed time of possibly a month or two, giving Murphy time to transfer, develop a relationship with Lewis and then have his run in with Clarence's gang. I also think that the Media Breaks and OCP scenes are setting the stage for the movie and need not happen in the same day. I also guess that a Corporation R&D department would not be able to put together a major project in such a short time (despite Bob Morton's promise of product in 90 days).

You also bring up a good question about Murphy's soul being at the core of Robocop being a success. For all we know, Frederickson or any other cop could have been the psychotic versions of Robocop 2 in the second movie. I think that Murphy was a good cop. But Prime Directives proves that there can be other good cops transformed into cyborgs successfully.
Why it happened the way it did? I will chalk that one up to Murphy's Law.

RB 1747

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Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 7:25 am Reply with quote

Yes, I've wondered this too myself. Not about Frederickson in particular, but I've wondered what would happen if Lewis had been the one who got shot, or what if they had not gone in at all and it was the next cop to die which was probably shortly after. Now, I definitely don't think any cop would work for Robocop, but I don't quite buy into the idea that only Alex Murphy could have functionally been Robocop. I do think he is the only one who could recover that much of his humanity and soldier on, but that's a different story. I always imagine an alternative scenario where Lewis became Robocop instead but worked just as intended, never had the flashbacks that broke out her humanity again. We don't know much about Frederickson so I don't know how he would have fared as Robo, but it's something to consider.

Now, the reason the Robocop program didn't work again in Robocop 2 can be chalked up to a number of reasons. The one I think is most viable is a theory I have that mainly pertains to comic books, but it works here too. I call it the Superman Syndrome. The theory is that the reason people on Earth in the comic book world start dressing in silly costumes and calling themselves silly things and committing silly crimes or stopping silly crimes is because Superman, an alien, came and changed the way the entire Earth thinks. His costume was so different and his abilities so amazing that once people heard about him it started to alter the way they perceive humanity. Now think about the impact the presence Robocop would have on his fellow police officers. Lewis obviously figured out it was Murphy pretty quickly, and she was probably not the only one to notice. I imagine the word would spread pretty quickly amongst police officers in detroit. So the fear of that happening to them would be in their mind when they die, and when they come back they are thinking, "oh my god this nightmare is happening", at least in their subconscious, unlike the confusion that Murphy's brain probably felt. Of course you could always chalk it up to OCP not putting enough money into the prototypes for Robocop 2, because they look pretty damn shrimpy, especially compared to the actual Robocop 2 unit.

There are also various comics that touch on the issue of other people's brains/minds being put into a Robocop like vessel. It usually doesn't end well, but it is definitely possible with the right combination of technology and brain, so I don't see why Frederickson wouldn't have fared the same chance as Murphy.

RB 1658

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Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 10:49 am Reply with quote

I don't see the point to the original question. Then Peter Weller's character would have been named Frederickson instead of Murphy. That's it.

Unless your question is related to Dr.Faxx statement in R2 about Murphy being a unique case since other Robo candidates turn into suicidal maniacs (I think we are a bit more grown ups now to think everything mentioned in a sequel, comic or TV show has to be retroactively consistent or canon). In that case, R2 gives you the answer, he would have committed suicide and be a failure (we know absolutely nothing about Frederickson to think otherwise). And yes, I think a movie or a sequel could entirely explore that scenario (going maniac before suicide obviously, kind of Blade Runner story).

Another option is that Dr. Faxx is wrong, and it was in fact Bob Morton's team of scientists that were behind the miracle. Without Bob Morton and his team they are unable to make another viable Robo and so they blame the candidates. Still it is debatable if Robo was really a success, since he was not intended to get his human consciousness back. Maybe that is what makes Murphy special, he doesn't go mad AFTER getting back his identity. But in R2 they couldn't get an unconscious Robo in the first place. With Cain they didn't even try to erase his memory (not sure if he has his full memory and identity, since he doesn't speak and acts more like a Nuke addict, but we know he recognized Angie and Robo). That's an interesting question.

RB 6857

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Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 7:04 pm Reply with quote

I like artu's comment about Robocop not actually being a success after all. Morton never really intended for his machine to have feelings much less be driven to find out who he once was. Perhaps in that case, the secret to proper human and machine synthesis died with him.
You also mention an interesting point, RoboPimp, having the knowledge that OCP might just transform you into a cyborg when you die would probably drive any human insane. Perhaps that is why Murphy was unique, ne just didn't know better.
Lastly, this conversation has brought up a promising sequel idea that has never been suggested. What if Frederickson WAS used for the Robocop project, but it was never revealed in the success of Murphy's transformation. You could always have a mysterious Robocop running amok, shifting the blame on the real Robocop, and then a Robocop vs. Robocop battle would take place. This is reminiscent to a Judge Dredd story from the 70s that was later the plot to the Stallone Judge Dredd movie. While I enjoyed that film, it didn't get too much praise. I know that Ed Neuemier was inspired by Judge Dredd when writing Robocop's story, so this would be a perfect (albeit cheesy) homage to the source material.

RB 1747

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Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 11:36 pm Reply with quote

I like the idea of there being a Robocop before Murphy and that maybe went rogue or got shutdown due to harming people. It reminds me of Knight Rider when we find out about KARR being the prototype before KITT.

RB 1272

Stan The Man
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Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 2:04 am Reply with quote

Holy shit.. and here I thought this was a new post yet I vaguely remembered many of these details and was starting to trip.. Then I checked the dates and realized someone just dredged up a pretty old post lolz.

Having said that yet another instance where artu said it all as well as I could have - probably better actually - so I didn't chime in. Yeah.
I don't wanna pay that, PhotoBucket. Now maybe you haven't heard, but I'm the guy in old Archive. So hows about you just shit snow for a year and I'll figure out something else. Sayonara!

RB 52912

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Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 9:07 pm Reply with quote

Stan The Man :
Holy shit.. and here I thought this was a new post yet I vaguely remembered many of these details and was starting to trip.. Then I checked the dates and realized someone just dredged up a pretty old post lolz.

So... the post died and was brought back from the dead... now why is that ringing a bell here... Wink

RB 2728

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Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 3:04 am Reply with quote

I love reading through old posts. They will never die!
Going back did get me thinking about something else, though.
Clarence was the prime suspect in Frederickson's death, when he eventually died, Clarence's crime would have been upgraded from attempted murder to murder. Now Murphy and Lewis were out on patrol sometime after that (it doesn't really show you that it was the same day (Murphy's first day) or if it was in his first days in Metro West. They get a call of a sighting of Clarence in his van. It is what prompted them to pursue him, leading to Murphy's murder. Now, later in the movie, RoboCop searches on the police mainframe for information of Clarence's team (after apprehending Emil). In Clarance's rap sheet, he is wanted for various crimes, but murder only shows up for Frederickson and Murphy (I think). It makes you wonder: If Frederickson survived, would the police have been searching so intently for Clarence that his van would have been reported. Frederickson's death may have led to Murphy being gunned down by Clarence as well.
Now Clarence did just rob a bank, so maybe the eyewitness didn't know who was in the sighted van, but since it seems to be the gang's main transportation, it is likely that Frederickson's murder influenced the course of events that followed.

RB 1747

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Stan The Man
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Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 4:04 am Reply with quote

They get a call of a sighting of Clarence in his van. It is what prompted them to pursue him, leading to Murphy's murder.

Wrong, they get a call about an armed robbery with the suspects fleeing in a silver panel van. No specific mention that's it's Clarence. Not that Murphy and Lewis would have responded much if at all differently if they did know.

RoboJOF :
In Clarance's rap sheet, he is wanted for various crimes, but murder only shows up for Frederickson and Murphy (I think).

Actually there's a few murders he's seen wanted for that show up on the screen in that scene. (Technically they're 'suspected' murders as there's no direct damning evidence against Clarence). Nevermind the MediaBreak already reported he was wanted in connection with the killing of 31 cops.

It makes you wonder: If Frederickson survived, would the police have been searching so intently for Clarence that his van would have been reported. Frederickson's death may have led to Murphy being gunned down by Clarence as well. Now Clarence did just rob a bank, so maybe the eyewitness didn't know who was in the sighted van, but since it seems to be the gang's main transportation, it is likely that Frederickson's murder influenced the course of events that followed.

Uh, he had already murdered 31 cops before Fredrickson and was wanted for a slew of other major crimes - I'm sure they were searching intently for him as much as their situation (numerous cops getting slaughtered, mass amounts of crime throughout the city, maltreatment by OCP, etc) permitted. Fredrickson's death - or not - in all practical sense had no real effect on any of that. Also I very much doubt they rolled around too much in the van - Quite certain it was more for when they all hooked up for something and they otherwise each went about on their own in their own different vehicles. In addition, a nondescript silver panel van isn't exactly a distinctive vehicle. Likely dozens if not hundreds rolling around in a city like Detroit. Assuming of course the van was even used/around when/where Fredrickson and/or the others got killed.

Finally, as I said initially - Murphy and Lewis were responding to a bank robbery, and at that time no one knew who committed it. M&L proceeded as they would've normally - And likely would have anyway even if they knew it was Boddicker. And Clarence and co would've still robbed the bank regardless. And so forth. Again, Fredrickson's killing - or attempted killing had he lived - would have practically no bearing on any of that.
I don't wanna pay that, PhotoBucket. Now maybe you haven't heard, but I'm the guy in old Archive. So hows about you just shit snow for a year and I'll figure out something else. Sayonara!

RB 52912

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Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 11:08 pm Reply with quote

Imma go out on a limb and say no..
" we placed prime candidates according to risk factor"

If I had to guess, being a prime candidate was probably test they conducted, and they were picked due to their psychological profile,,

Its probably why Murphy was relocated. It could've been someone else,. but probably not Frederickson

RB 8111

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Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 4:27 am Reply with quote

That's a good point. If OCP had been screening cops as potential candidates and Murphy's move to Metro West was in a way, planned because he fit some profile, then all that would have needed to happen was for him to get killed and he would have had a chance to become RoboCop. However, this reminds me of something that Bob Morton said after getting one over on Dick Jones. He said that all he needed was for some poor schmuck to volunteer. Now this is confusing, because Murphy was killed in the Steel Mill. There was no opportunity for him to volunteer to become a cyborg cop. Even if he had been revived by paramedics before dying on the operating table, his family's lawyers would have argued that he was in no condition to make such a decision. That would mean either Murphy volunteered earlier or someone volunteered for him. If Murphy did volunteer before moving to Metro West, then he would have had to be aware of what could happen. Unless of course, if, in true corporate fashion, he was agreeing to participate when he signed his release forms when he joined the force (as Johnson mentions during RoboCop's construction) and it was all in the fine print.
On the other hand, the only one who could have made that decision for him would have been his wife, but she had no idea in any of the films that it had happened, hence the explanation Lewis gave in the Steel Mill (they thought you were dead, they started over).
It seems to me that if Security Concepts was ready to go with prime candidates, they could have used one of the cops killed before Murphy (who fit the profile, according to risk factor) in his place. They might have been waiting for the OK from the Old Man, or perhaps they just fast tracked Murphy into the program because he was killed right after the Old Man gave Morton the OK to start. Murphy may have not volunteered at all.

RB 1747

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Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 5:06 am Reply with quote

I just watched the original theatrical trailer from RoboCop and the first audio you hear after the Orion Pictures logo is, "We've got a volunteer. The body is on the way." Is this dialogue in the movie? Did I miss it? I don't remember it before the surgery scene. Was it even in the movie?

RB 1747

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Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 5:30 am Reply with quote

RoboJOF :
That's a good point. If OCP had been screening cops as potential candidates and Murphy's move to Metro West was in a way, planned because he fit some profile, then all that would have needed to happen was for him to get killed and he would have had a chance to become RoboCop. However, this reminds me of something that Bob Morton said after getting one over on Dick Jones. He said that all he needed was for some poor schmuck to volunteer. Now this is confusing, because Murphy was killed in the Steel Mill. There was no opportunity for him to volunteer to become a cyborg cop. Even if he had been revived by paramedics before dying on the operating table, his family's lawyers would have argued that he was in no condition to make such a decision. That would mean either Murphy volunteered earlier or someone volunteered for him. If Murphy did volunteer before moving to Metro West, then he would have had to be aware of what could happen. Unless of course, if, in true corporate fashion, he was agreeing to participate when he signed his release forms when he joined the force (as Johnson mentions during RoboCop's construction) and it was all in the fine print.
On the other hand, the only one who could have made that decision for him would have been his wife, but she had no idea in any of the films that it had happened, hence the explanation Lewis gave in the Steel Mill (they thought you were dead, they started over).
It seems to me that if Security Concepts was ready to go with prime candidates, they could have used one of the cops killed before Murphy (who fit the profile, according to risk factor) in his place. They might have been waiting for the OK from the Old Man, or perhaps they just fast-tracked Murphy into the program because he was killed right after the Old Man gave Morton the OK to start. Murphy may have not volunteered at all.

I saw the volunteer line as satirical, he meant it as, now all we need is a "Volunteer".. he was being facetious.

When he said he set up prime candidates at certain locations according to risk factor,. I saw the meaning of this as:

Here we have candidates we want for this project,. who also signed the proper papers to donate their bodies..
we are going to raise their chances of death by locating them into high-risk zones.

RB 8111

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