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RoboDoc - New Robo Documentary
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Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 6:11 pm Reply with quote

Seems we´ll be getting a brand new RoboCop Documentary. RoboDoc will be a feature length documentary from the makers of 'Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II' and 'You're so cool, Brewster! The Story of Fight Night'.

Supported by a massive amount of RoboCop cast and crew, this documentary sets out to give the definitive view on the films 30 year legacy as well as the impact it has had on fans and the genre itself.

Check their Facebook page:

Sounds interesting!

* Post edited for News forum

RB 14635

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Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 4:44 am Reply with quote

Wow nice find.

Looks like they've got loads of interviews lined up!

We will have to get these people behind it to come on here to promote it... Ah wait a minute that never happens...

Though I can't see much of a call for this product a part from to a small hardcore fan base...
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Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 8:07 am Reply with quote

Very cool! As far as I know the only documentaries produced about Robocop were for DVD's and such, so this will be the first chance to get an outside take on it, as in not designed to sell the movie... not that there is some juicy drama the studio is trying to hide or anything but it will be nice to see a fresh take on it, I just hope that this documentary is about more than just the making of the first film, because that is what all the sort of documentaries about Robocop that we have seen so far would be all about... as you guys know I would be just as interested if not way more interested to see a documentary about Robocop comics than Robocop movies, for example. Either way though it is great to see the love for Robo and I'm sure the documentary will be great no matter what because they couldn't have a better subject to work with... I could b biased about that last bit but probably not.

RB 1658

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Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 5:56 pm Reply with quote

Ah, this can't come out soon enough! I love me some documentaries and I find Robo being a topic there isn't too much on (unless it's from the Archive). Looking forward to it! Love the poster they made - really reminds me of how I actually saw RoboCop when I was 3... only the picture quality wasn't nearly as good Very Happy
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Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 1:04 pm Reply with quote

RoboPimp :
I just hope that this documentary is about more than just the making of the first film

It seems they´ll cover the sequels and, as they said "the legacy".

RB 14635

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Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 5:02 pm Reply with quote

This looks good. Can't wait to see it. Smile

RB 19529



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Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 12:43 am Reply with quote

Not very hyped for this. We've already seen and heard everything there is to know about the first movie. I messaged the creator, asking if they were going to look into the sequels as there is little to no information on them - he said they were aiming to do so.

RB 3079

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Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 2:04 am Reply with quote

NukeLord :
Not very hyped for this. We've already seen and heard everything there is to know about the first movie. I messaged the creator, asking if they were going to look into the sequels as there is little to no information on them - he said they were aiming to do so.

You're right. We know almost everything there is to tell about the movie and production and whatnot and you'd think those involved would get bored with telling the same stories over and over. But, personally, I can't get enough. And there are still new things I'm learning and seeing even presently. After years of really wanting to know, I found out today where they filmed the drug factory scene and that it's still standing; although now it's a concert venue. I'm still finding new metaphors within the story and junk like that too.
I'm with you. I do hope they focus on the sequels and other aspects of the franchise more than those who've done retrospectives in the past. And from what I can tell from their other docs it seems they delve pretty deep into their subject matter. I think at least one of them went well over three hours. I want to see interviews with Dekker, Burke, Frank Miller, Walon Green, Noonan, ROB BOTTIN!!! My God, they have SD Nemeth booked!!
Most of all I think their hearts are really in this and that makes me excited. The artist rendering for their header photo showing a different perspective of the classic Robo poster image is inspired. And the other one, with the seven year old watching the movie (probably past his bedtime) with the Robo action figures around....I got a little misty. To quote RoboHell, "That's all of us."

RB 1391

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Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:45 am Reply with quote

Nancy Allen now confirmed for this as well. I donated yesterday to it and hope they get their target and the project can go ahead. They also confirmed they will be covering the sequels for this documentary too, so this might be the best we get to any sort of Robo 2/3 special features.

RB 19529

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Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 10:25 pm Reply with quote

They've recently added Dekker and Paul McCrane (who I think has never talked about Robo), among many other awesome folks so I think we'll definitely get if not new info, then at least good unheard stories and such. And seeing Dekker, Mark Irwin and a couple other names tells me they will put some attention to the other films, which indeed is awesome and probably the closest we'll get to special features for the other films this side of those old Cinefantasique articles.

All-told, this seems pretty kickass to me. I just kicked it a few bucks myself. It's almost totally funded already so I look forward to seeing this bad boy. (Also looking forward to that bitchin' poster they got, that is a real beautiful work there.)
I don't wanna pay that, PhotoBucket. Now maybe you haven't heard, but I'm the guy in old Archive. So hows about you just shit snow for a year and I'll figure out something else. Sayonara!

RB 52912

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Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 3:10 pm Reply with quote

I still have to contribute (man, bucks are flying this month), but I agree, it´s nice to see people from the sequels there, as well as new "old" faces (McCrane talking about the flick) and some technical workers. I think it´ll be interesting enough for us.

RB 14635

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Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 6:37 pm Reply with quote

Hmmm, this might turn out more interesting for us than originally thought.

Does Archive have any part in this? Maybe he can show up for camera as internet fan community manager or what have you Wink

RB 1560

Stan The Man
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Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 6:51 pm Reply with quote

Maxlee :
Hmmm, this might turn out more interesting for us than originally thought.

Indeed, they now are at a stretch goal and yesterday we got Angie Bolling and Belinda Bauer on-board. Like I said, if nothing else we oughta get some great reminiscence of experiences from people we're rarely if ever heard talking about Robo. Smile

4-odd more hours to go - We'll be guaranteed of at least one new piece of Robo awesomeness next year!

Maxlee :
Does Archive have any part in this? Maybe he can show up for camera as internet fan community manager or what have you Wink

I believe there is a degree of Archive involvement but I feel Archive himself won't make an appearance and will remain as ever an elusive shadowy bastard. tongue
I don't wanna pay that, PhotoBucket. Now maybe you haven't heard, but I'm the guy in old Archive. So hows about you just shit snow for a year and I'll figure out something else. Sayonara!

RB 52912

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What's all this then?


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Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 5:14 am Reply with quote

That Archive. He's a slippery one. Like the ever elusive Catzo!

RB 10224

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