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Kids and RoboCop (Should they watch it?)
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Steve Freeling
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Comment: Let's give him what he wants.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 9:33 am Reply with quote

I saw it for the first time when I was eleven years old and I've seen it over 100 times since and I'm pretty sure I haven't become some insane person who wants to kill people. It also left me with no nightmares or anything like that. Granted, the first movie I ever saw was Predator at four years old which I immediately fell in love with, so I guess I was set up to not "spook easily."

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Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 7:17 pm Reply with quote

If I had kids, I would definitely not let them watch RoboCop until they were 16 or 17. That's the honest truth. Same with other action movies of that era like Commando, The Terminator, Lethal Weapon, Die Hard, etc. My cousin's husband told me that he did not let his young daughters watch anything that contained any sort of fighting, slapping or kicking, even if it was a PG.

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Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 7:52 am Reply with quote

Yeah our pediatrician advised against violence during the first 5-7 years. I think after that, starting him on the toned down TV series or Marvel cartoon would be a good introduction. Then again, starting from the beginning with R1 is really how it should be done. I guess it all depends on how he develops over the next 4-5 years.

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Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 7:42 pm Reply with quote

AlexRobo :
If I had kids, I would definitely not let them watch RoboCop until they were 16 or 17. That's the honest truth. Same with other action movies of that era like Commando, The Terminator, Lethal Weapon, Die Hard, etc. My cousin's husband told me that he did not let his young daughters watch anything that contained any sort of fighting, slapping or kicking, even if it was a PG.

I don't think my brother allowed his daughter even Tom & Jerry until she was at least 4. She's almost 6 now and has moved on to be allowed stuff like "Power Rangers" too.

But hey, I saw Robo 1 and 2 when I was 3 and I turned out OK Laughing My brother was probably about 4 when he saw the first one in theatres.
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Comment: "Its time to show how real cops kick ass."

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Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 7:22 pm Reply with quote

Yeah I saw R1 for the first time when I was 4 and I'm a perfectly well adjusted person. I think parental support is a big factor too. Seeing the violence on TV is one thing but if you are seeing it at home then it becomes normal to you. Luckily my parents were never physical with each other (in a negative way that is... otherwise I would not have been born Wink )

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Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 10:53 pm Reply with quote

If I was a father to a kid I would let them watch RoboCop. Kids are drawn to heroic figures like RoboCop and what he stands for, like Superman. Mature kids will know that drugs are bad and the various things Clarence and his gang do. I'd start them off with RoboCop 3 and the TV series and then show them the original.

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Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:20 pm Reply with quote

He turns 2 on Saturday! I let him watch the '88 animated series. I figure I will move on to the movies when he's a little older.

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Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 5:42 am Reply with quote

RoboWags :
He turns 2 on Saturday! I let him watch the '88 animated series. I figure I will move on to the movies when he's a little older.

Good call. I'd say start with Robocop 3. I loved that one as a kid. The other two scarred me. The Series is also great fun for kids as well.

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Comment: "You gotta ask yourself one question, ED209, do you feel lucky?"

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 8:54 pm Reply with quote

In 1988 when I was 9, my sister nearly rented out RoboCop for me after seeing an advert for it until she saw it was rated 18. That was when we had just got our first video recorder and I can remember my brother showing me First Blood that time until he got a roasting from mum and my sister for showing me such a violent film (the only thing that disturbed me was Rambo getting slashed across the chest but apart from that, I found it an exciting actioner). Around that time, I taped 48 HRS and watched it and my mum warned me about it having some nudity.

When watching RoboCop at the age of 14, I loved it and saw it as a revenge action thriller set in the future. Earlier that year, I'd seen Scanners which also involved a highly dodgy corporation and despite disturbing me in a few instances, I liked it, particularly the thriller elements and action set-pieces.

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