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RoboHell RoboPops!

Joined: 10 Jan 2007
Post Count: 2874
Comment: Murphy had a wife and son....what happend to them?
 Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 6:22 pm |
Some of us that are FB friends had a little pow wow, and the mentioning of watching RoboCop on the big screen in a theater has eluded some, myself included
I attempted years ago to rent out a screen at the Movie Tavern, but I wasn't prepared for the costs.
Alamo Draft House was going to show it, but then got their wrists slapped and were told they couldn't do it by the douchers getting their douche panties in a douche wad because their DoucheCop 2014 would of been upstaged by the superior 1987 version.
I got to sit outside the OCP towers and sweat my balls off watching it, amazing experience, but I still need to mark off the actual theater experience.
So, I am purposing joint calibration. We plan, plan and plan some more a time where we could get folks who want to make that trip, RoboWalk where it all began and then cap the day off with a screening at the Movie Tavern where you can eat and have an adult beverage while watching RoboCop on the big screen.
This could take months to plan, plus I’m still in Texarkana…I will be moving back to big D soon to get my Agency started and I’ll probably be hemmed up for a while getting that thing off the ground, so planning months in advanced would be fine by me.
Here is the quote from Movie Tavern…I just fed them whatever info to get a quote. But, a Thursday for some reason is the best rate to rent out the smallest theater, its double on the weekends. If we somehow get the details ironed out and we were able to do a weekend then I’m all for it, whatever I have to do watch this sum bitch on the big screen.
Thoughts??? Is this just a pipe dream? _________________
vegasrobo RoboGod and Shit

Joined: 02 Oct 2004
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Comment: Vegas Baby!!!
 Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 6:24 pm |
I'm in..Have to suit up for this.
RoboHell RoboPops!

Joined: 10 Jan 2007
Post Count: 2874
Comment: Murphy had a wife and son....what happend to them?
 Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 6:37 pm |
No shit you have to suit up!
Hopefully we can get some attention to this thread and get some other Archivers involved.
I also forgot that I have some friends out there that would want to watch it, so some of that cost would be alleviated. _________________

Joined: 03 Jan 2010
Post Count: 546
 Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 6:59 pm |
Barring anything unforeseen, I'm in. Got family in DFW too so finding room and board won't be a problem for me. I figure the closer we get to 2017 the more we'll start hearing about 30th anniversary screenings. Not sure what difference money wise that would make as opposed to bringing a hard copy to watch. Maybe a group thing would be cheaper at an official screening? More theater choices? Possibly bigger/better screens? I'm sure the Drafthouse would show it. No idea really, just thinking out loud. Only problem there is we would be limited to a certain date and time since these retro screenings usually come and go fast. So this might be the best option for what you're proposing, Hell. Not like I would miss out on an official anniversary screening either way. So kinda the whole middle part of my post is irrelevant. Carry on.
RoboWags Ultra Police Watch Commander

Joined: 08 Jul 2012
Post Count: 424
Comment: "Its time to show how real cops kick ass."
 Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 7:10 pm |
If there was a commitment of about 20 people, this would cost about $45 per person plus travel and lodging. Would this be a one-day thing? The overall cost seems reasonable considering the social experience of it all. A bunch of Archivers taking a filming location tour and then watching the movie (some of us in costume) would be a great experience. From where I live in California it would be about $600 for the whole trip not including food to arrive the night before and leave the morning after. All-in-all its not a bad idea.
I think it would be best to make group accommodations for everyone at the same location. I have hosted a few meet ups like this in the past and it always worked out better that way. You get a group rate on the rooms and everyone gets to stay together. _________________
RoboHell RoboPops!

Joined: 10 Jan 2007
Post Count: 2874
Comment: Murphy had a wife and son....what happend to them?
 Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 7:17 pm |
I didn't even think about the 30th Anniversary coming up, but like you said Poco...we are subject to their date and time, and that might not jive with others.
What I need to do is message Alamo and see if they have any plans for the anniversary...if they have it on the calendar and it's far enough in advance we could plan something around that.
Wags is right, it's like booking a get a group discount. And with my friends here, I bet I could get 5-10 who want to get in on this.
*Bump* I messaged Alamo explaining our vision and traveling situation, the guy I talked to who referred me to the event guy said he couldn't imagine them not doing something. I need to head over there because he said they have RoboCop shit all over the theater. Anyway, I told him that if ya'll are doing something and have it on the calendar, please let us know, we have folks from all over the US that would want to come to this. _________________
Stan The Man Bah Concepts Division

Joined: 05 Jun 2003
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Comment: I'm the guy in Old Archive.
 Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 8:09 pm |
Cool that you've looked into this to that level, Hell - My compliments and kudos there first and foremost.
That said, shit I'll go for it if I have to sell my soul. I gotta say those figures ain't bad. Definitely something to save for and that much more reason to push harder for more legitimate mind-numbing, soul-crushing employment. Only big thing for me is transportation, so I'll have to be looking up methods of travel - bus, plane and so on. I'm sure I'll find something that'll work short of the George Carlin 'give the driver a little incentive method'. Which I'd almost go for for something like this..
I do agree though with 2017 being the 30th anniversary it might be worth waiting and seeing for any planned screenings, as indeed we might be able to shave some dough and simplify things, plus give some others a better shot to plan and come along. With that I too would definitely look at hitting up places for a group rate, as indeed you would save some there too. (Bah, leave it to skinflint Stan to advocate for cheaper and easier.. :roll: ) Of course some like Poco might be able to do away with that since they have family/friends there they could crash with. I wouldn't look at anything too fancy, then again I'm the guy that would happily forego a room and sleep on someone else's floor - Forgetting I'd happily do that for something like this, I honestly lost that kind of pride a long time ago.
Anyway, long story short, FUCKIN A! Yeah it's a bit of a dream, but as OCP tells us, sometimes dreams come true. I do look forward to geting this going.  _________________ I don't wanna pay that, PhotoBucket. Now maybe you haven't heard, but I'm the guy in old Archive. So hows about you just shit snow for a year and I'll figure out something else. Sayonara!
RoboHell RoboPops!

Joined: 10 Jan 2007
Post Count: 2874
Comment: Murphy had a wife and son....what happend to them?
 Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 8:27 pm |
Thanks Stan,
Yeah, at this point we might as well try to turn this into a 30th Anniversary RoboCop Archive screening hinging on what the Alamo does Long title.
But yes, I agree...let me see what I can pry from the Alamo, I told them I and others could bring collectables, and If it works out with Vegas...a suit.
If they are planning on a big event, I can see them wanting to work with a few of us on what we could bring to help out. _________________
gez1967 drop it . dead or alive your coming with me

Joined: 05 Jul 2013
Post Count: 720
Comment: looking for me
 Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 8:32 pm |
I would love to come over to USA for robocops 30th, but I was lucky this year my cinema down here had it on as a 80s throw back.. And I was there loved every min off it, watching on the big screen _________________ all ways building robocop, its in the blood
RoboHell RoboPops!

Joined: 10 Jan 2007
Post Count: 2874
Comment: Murphy had a wife and son....what happend to them?
 Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 8:36 pm |
Lucky bastard...but now you need to come and RoboWalk in Old Detroit! _________________
gez1967 drop it . dead or alive your coming with me

Joined: 05 Jul 2013
Post Count: 720
Comment: looking for me
 Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 8:41 pm |
RoboHell : | Lucky bastard...but now you need to come and RoboWalk in Old Detroit! |
I would love to come over there and bring my suit, in robocop city , I'll be coming when they put the statue up, yes feb 14 I watched it.. There was about 20 people in there lol.. I was 1st one in with me robo top on like a proper geek.. My mrs hated it lmfao.... Was for one day only . I really did want to watch it again .. Ever comes on again I'll be there , hoping for robo 2 now.... I have photos off the night on my Facebook, gerrard Gallacher (robocop)
RoboHell RoboPops!

Joined: 10 Jan 2007
Post Count: 2874
Comment: Murphy had a wife and son....what happend to them?
 Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 8:44 pm |
Oh hell yeah Gez! I'll look that up now!
Yeah, I'll keep posting updates here so be on the look out and I'll friend you on the old FB. _________________
RoboHell RoboPops!

Joined: 10 Jan 2007
Post Count: 2874
Comment: Murphy had a wife and son....what happend to them?
 Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 9:11 pm |
Got a reply and a contact for the main man in charge.
Looks like they are planning something big, like I said, if we can pry more information and if folks know enough in advance, I'm sure Vegas could do a suit and we will definitely let RoboReiko know what's going on, he seems to be everywhere! lol
Here is the message.
Hey Justin! Thank you so much for reaching out! We're definitely planning up something big. Please reach out to our programming director, James Wallace, as I'm sure he would love to get you involved in anything he might be coming up with.
Fingers crossed fellas...I emailed James, lets see what we get back. _________________
RoboHell RoboPops!

Joined: 10 Jan 2007
Post Count: 2874
Comment: Murphy had a wife and son....what happend to them?
 Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 1:38 am |
Received an email from the head honcho, so far it looks like another outside screening outside the OCP tower, but this time it looks like they're going to try and get cast and make it an even bigger event than last time. He's going to get back with me with more information as we move forward.
Here's the message.
Hey man! You have no idea of much you're preaching to the choir. This has been a dream event of mine for years. Plans are definitely in place to bring back the outdoor showing in front of OCP HQ. But this time I want to get cast here, Mondo involved, etc. Make it an even bigger deal than it was the first time. I'd love to work with you guys on it in an official capacity. _________________