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What If…

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Joined: 26 Jun 2020
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Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 11:03 pm Reply with quote

On YouTube, a lot of people make these videos about Star Wars What If…Like What If Anakin saved his mother? Or What If Padme lived etc? Could there be videos made just like that on the Youtube Robocop Archive? Perhaps, What If..Lewis
died at the end of the first film? Or What If Murphy in R2 had told his wife that he did remember her? I would really be interested to see something like that! 😃

RB 1272



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Comment: "You dead wrong if ya think that pimpin' gon' die" - Snoop Dogg, P.I.M.P. (Remix)

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Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 1:44 am Reply with quote

I love the old Marvel What If? comics so I totally support this idea. One I've always thought about is: What if Murphy and Lewis waited for backup? Obviously Murphy doesn't become RoboCop, but somebody does. Murphy is supposed to be the perfect candidate, which is why other attempts failed. But it would be interesting to see a spin on the original where its the same basic design but just a little off. Maybe the next cop who dies is also a good candidate, but dies a different way, and without the Boddicker gang to spark his memory he just becomes the product OCP wanted all along. And then RoboCop teams up with the living Alex Murphy at the end of the story. What if?

RB 1658

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Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 6:41 pm Reply with quote

That is a good idea for a video series for sure!

RB 348933

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Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 12:57 am Reply with quote

I always wondered what if Bob Morton had lived? If Murphy confronts his creator asking why he did this to him. And another would be if Murphy just shot up Dick Jones at the end of the movie. He’s taken to the hospital in critical condition but later dies, and this is how we get introduced to Dr. Faxx. She decides to use Jones’ brain to put in the new Robocop unit and he can now get revenge on Robocop. Or, if R2 was about a new Robocop like “RoboCable” that eventually goes bad and it’s up to Murphy to stop his killing spree.

I was always upset about Lewis dying in R3 and it would’ve been nice to see what would happen if she lived. These “What Ifs”
could also apply to the tv series. Like when Murphy’s dad found out his son was still alive; what if it had been Nancy or Jimmy who made the discovery instead?

RB 1272

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