Control Robocop as he powers his way through each level littered with criminal and chemical hazards in order to clean up the city. Robocop can fire in multiple directions and each level is packed with weapon upgrades and power-ups to ensure success and maximise high scores.
Graphics are well done with parallax scrolling backgrounds and cartoon like enemies similar to original arcade. The Robocop sprite is neat and has his usual moves of walk, jump & crouch but no gun holster animation. He also suffers from the mirror image bug of having his gun in his left hand when facing right, and though he can fire upleft-up-upright and front he can`t fire down diagonally.
Levels are some what short but make use of lifts and some platforms to keep you walking around trying to save hostages or kill all enemies. Main levels are Streets, Mill And Ocp Tower which are seperated by the storyline & loading screen of Media Break. (Which looks very like the Amiga/PC Robocop 3D Media Break)
With the controls you can`t walk and fire at the same time and even when crouched bullets which appear to go over Robocops head still cause damage. To jump forward you also need to jump up first then press a direction as there is no diagonal key.
There is no in-game music with only a 10-sec version of the main theme played at the title screen, SFX are very basic and only play when shooting or collecting items. According to dbigames website some phones can play sampled speech during the game but I can`t confirm it.
Overall the game does play well and feels alot like a good old 8-bit title and will pass the time when your traveling/waiting somewhere. Controls can be frustating at times but Robocop fans will persist.
Title screen
Criminals are taking hostages in the streets.